Return to Work
Our Return to Work (RTW) team combines knowledge of impairment and disability with expertise in job demands analysis, ergonomic evaluation, work capacity assessment, and work conditioning to deliver individualized RTW programs. Services are developed in collaboration with the client, their physician, the healthcare team, funder and employer to ensure a well supported program.
We assist clients with physical, cognitive, and mental health limitations to return to their pre-disability, modified or alternate employment. Our success relies upon a collaborative approach where clients are actively engaged in helping design their RTW program and employer input helps shape our workplace intervention. For client’s requiring job placement or training to re-enter the work force, our assessments identify their transferrable functional abilities as well as the equipment and strategies required for successful re-employment.
Service Components
Work Capacity Assessment
Work capacity assessment (WCA) determines a client’s functional abilities and compares these to the physical, cognitive and psychological critical job demands (CJDs) of their pre-disability or target employment. The degree of mismatch between abilities and CJDs as well as other RTW barriers informs the RTW program components that will be recommended.
Job Demands Analysis
The Job Demands Analysis (JDA) is a workplace-based assessment. With the client and employer representative in attendance, critical physical, cognitive and psychological job demands are quantified and documented. Ergonomic equipment and workstyle modification strategies are collaboratively determined when reviewing the job tasks, work area and required tools/equipment. Depending on referral scope, the JDA visit can also be used to gain stakeholder input on RTW planning & implementation..
RTW Activation
For clients who are not ready to begin Graduated Return to Work (GRTW), RTW Activation provides an opportunity to increase functional capacity & tolerance in preparation for RTW. This functional program combines work simulation and gym-based exercise rehabilitation with structured participation in daily activities such as household management tasks to increase work relevant abilities. Clients are also empowered with tools and strategies to better manage their symptoms, compensate for permanent limitations and approach work tasks in a safe and productive manner. Our RTW Activation team includes OTs, PTs, Kinesiologists and our client’s other healthcare providers.
Graduated Return to Work
A graduated return to work (GRTW) is a plan which details a systematic increase in the scope and hours of work to be completed by the client. The GRTW is part of the rehabilitation process. It allows workers to solidify and build upon gains made in treatment while gradually and safely returning to their previous responsibilities. The GRTW plan is developed based on a sound understanding of the client’s medical restrictions, functional abilities, critical job demands and employer policies for RTW. Closely monitored by the coordinating clinician, the GRTW incorporates symptom control strategies, task modifications and ergonomic equipment to facilitate a successful RTW.
Functional Capacity Evaluation
For client’s who have functionally plateaued, this 1-day comprehensive evaluation determines a client’s current functional capacity and identifies transferable physical and/or cognitive skills. The assessment relies on standardized, formalized and work simulation tests to build a profile of abilities & limitations that can be used to generate or evaluate vocational options. The Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE) addresses body dexterity, muscle strength, range of motion, postural tolerances, hand dexterity, lifting, cognitive skills and many other abilities. Evaluation of effort, reliability of symptom reports, and stability of function analyses provide greater certainty of evaluation findings. FCE can also identify rehabilitation services and aides that can enhance or help maintain client function.